Saturday, June 18, 2011

Email Security Threat to Your Business 1

Email is Technically insecure and was not originally designed for what companies are using it for; confidential business conversations. It is logically insecure for use in confidential conversations because it cannot be controlled. The SCIE system was engineered for one purpose only confidential text based conversations.

The Secure Client Information Exchange, SCIE system, uses a thin client to access the SCIE servers in Switzerland. Many secure email systems use a fat client that is installed on your computer. Fat clients hold part of the systems code therefore enabling hackers to access the system from your computer.

For more information please visit Quanta Consulting Ltd. corporate website:

Quanta consulting is a worldwide distributor of the SCIE system and offers business and high net-worth individuals a 30 day SCIE license in order for them to evaluate SCIE. SCIE is not a replacement for corporate email systems such as research in motions Blackberry email or others such as proofpoint secure email.

Scie was engineered from the ground up for only one purpose, to keep confidential communications confidential. SCIE is a real time communications system.

There have been allegations that the SCIE system was used in the wall street insider trading scandal by Don Chu, of Primary Global Research, to communicate confidential inside information to Raj Rajaratnam the founder and manager of the Galleon hedge fund in new york.

Because the use of the secure client information exchange is 100% anonymous the scie developers can neither confirm or deny this allegation.

You may also download the Quanta SCIE Brochure PDF from Business News PR:

Business News PR is another Quanta Consulting Ltd. owned website:

Why Email is a Threat 2

Email conversations are easily Leaked, Stolen and maliciously distributed. SCIE system communications are not. Quanta consulting offers a 30 day SCIE demonstrations cell to companies. Email was never designed, even blacberry BES, for confidential communication. For more information about SCIE visit:

Please visit Business News PR and download the Quanta SCIE Brochure PDF

Business News Pr is another Quanta Consulting Ltd. owned website:

What are the Risks of using Email 3

The risk of using email for confidential business conversations is growing by the hour. The Secure Client Information Exchange, SCIE system, was designed from the ground up for only one purpose; confidential conversations that must remain confidential. Quanta Consulting Limited is a worldwide distributor of SCIE. For more information on the SCIE system visit.

Quanta Consulting Ltd offers 30 day SCIE cells for business and high net-worth individuals in order to determine if the secure client information exchange fits their needs.

Email Threat the "Human Factor" 4

In addition to the insecurity of using E-mail for confidential business conversations, companies have a human factor threat. Accidental misdirection of email, insider corporate espionage and outside attacks. Quanta Consulting Ltd is a worldwide distributor of the SCIE system; the Secure Client Information Exchange. Companies and High Net-Worth individuals should contact Quanta for a 30 day SCIE demonstration cell through the Quanta Consulting Ltd. corporate website:

You may also download the Quanta SCIE Brochure PDF from Business News PR:

Business News PR is another Quanta Consulting owned website:

SCIE is Different than Email 5

SCIE gives you back the right to have a private text based conversation. SCIE was engineered from the ground up for only one purpose; to keep confidential business conversations confidential. Something that even blackberry bes is not designed to do. Quanta consulting is a worldwide distributor of the Secure Client Information Exchange. For more information about the SCIE System visit:

How is SCIE Encrypted 6

SCIE is secure on three points, technically, logically and is 100% anonymous in use. SCIE is not a replacement for corporate E-mail, it is another tool for business. SCIE was engineered for one purpose only; confidential conversations that must remain confidential. This discussion also covers the security flaw of research in motion's Blackberry and fat, or rich, client secure email systems. Quanta is a worldwide distributor of SCIE. For more information on the Secure Client Information Exchange, SCIE, download the Quanta SCIE Brochure PDF, from the Quanta Consulting website at:

Quanta Consulting Ltd offers 30 day SCIE cells for business and high net-worth individuals in order to determine if the secure client information exchange fits their needs.

Proof SCIE is Secure 7

The SCIE system, secure client information exchange, has under went extensive in-depth 3rd party security certification by the CREST certified ethical hacking security firm ProCheckup;

The latest 3 major tests conducted showed SCIE to be one of the most secure systems available. In addition to this video results of the latest test may be found on the Quanta Consulting website:

Unlike the majority of secure email providers, the SCIE developers submitted the entire system for testing to a 3rd party, most corporate email providers do their own in house testing...they test and certified their own systems, and do not publish the results.

However, research in motion the developers of the Blackberry, the blackberry email system and the blackberry BES (business enterprise server) do conduct 3rd party testing. But the blackberry emails can still be forwarded to unintended recipients, are subject to E-discovery, messages are not stored encrypted on the server and therefore blackberry is still insecure for confidential business communications.

Quanta consulting limited is a worldwide distributor of the SCIE system.Visit Quanta's website and download the Quanta SCIE Brochure PDF for further information on the secure client information exchange.

Quanta offers 30 SCIE cells for us by business and high net-worth individuals in order for them to determine if SCIE fits their needs.

SCIE Servers are in Switzerland 8

The Secure Client Information Exchange, SCIE system, servers are based in Switzerland Switzerland has strict corporate and data protection privacy laws.SCIE is not a replacement for corporate email systems such as research in motion's Blackberry email or other systems such as proofpoint secure email. SCIE is for one purpose and one purpose only; to keep confidential conversations confidential. Quanta Consulting Ltd is a worldwide distributor of the SCIE system and offers companies and high net-worth individuals a 30 day SCIE cell license for them to evaluate SCIE and determine if the secure client information exchange fits their needs.

For more information about SCIE visit the Quanta website at:

and download the Quanta SCIE Brochure PDF.

Quanta Consulting offers 30 day SCIE Demo Cella to companies and high net-worth individuals in order to evaluate the Secure Client Information Exchange. Contact Quanta through its corporate website at:

SCIE Thin vs. Fat client Access 9

The Secure Client Information Exchange, SCIE system, uses a thin client to access the SCIE servers in Switzerland. Many secure email systems use a fat client that is installed on your computer. Fat clients hold part of the systems code therefore enabling hackers to access the system from your computer.

Quanta consulting is a worldwide distributor of the SCIE system and offers business and high net-worth individuals a 30 day SCIE license in order for them to evaluate SCIE. SCIE is not a replacement for corporate email systems such as research in motions Blackberry email or others such as proofpoint secure email.

Scie was engineered from the ground up for only one purpose, to keep confidential communications confidential. SCIE is a real time communications system.

Visit Business News PR and download the Quanta SCIE Brochure PDF for further information on the Secure Client Information Exchange.

Business News Pr is another Quanta Consulting Ltd. owned website:

This is a Quanta produce SCIE sales presentation video; 1 of 16 videos in the SCIE presentation all of which are uploaded to this Secure Client Information Exchange Blog.

SCIE Cell Activation 10

SCIE is for confidential conversations that must remain confidential. SCIE is not a replacement for corporate email systems such as blackberry BES or proofpoint. This video shows how the SCIE cell is activated.

Quanta Consulting Ltd is a worldwide distributor of the secure client information exchange, SCIE. For more information visit:

SCIE Beats Blackberry BES in Security:

Geneva – Quanta Consulting Ltd is a worldwide distributor of the Secure Client Information Exchange; SCIE system. The SCIE system was engineered from the ground up for only one function, confidential text based business conversations that must remain confidential; a function that no secure Email system can provide

Quanta’s executive director Stella Smith explained, “The Blackberry BES e-mail system is the gold standard by which all other secure e-mail systems are judged. But Blackberry is still e-mail and not suitable for having confidential business conversations that must remain confidential; it is technically not possible. This is discussed in the SCIE Videos”.

Quanta SCIE Youtube Channel:

Quanta produced the SCIE videos to extend its marketing reach and obtain more direct sales of the system without a prolonged live sales presentation.

“Currently a potential client must schedule time with a sales representative, in order to understand the dangers that using email for confidential conversations poses to them and their companies and to see what SCIE actually is and what functions it performs”, Ms. Smith stated adding, “These are not entertainment videos, no car crashes not a lot slides in the video, it’s business. The presentations are unedited and narrated by one of my sales people, not a professional voice over actor. This is serious business particularly at this time with all of the Email hacking happening to companies around the world. Even the IMF and White House staff emails have been recently hacked. If you want to know what is really going on inside a company all you need is the confidential conversations in the corporate Emails”.

Quanta advises parties interested in SCIE to view the entire presentation. “Begin with the first video, ‘Email security threat to business’ and follow it through to the last video, ‘SCIE Real Time Use 16 - The Burn’, Ms Smith advised, “You will then have sufficient knowledge to purchase SCIE without having to schedule more than a few minutes for activation and of course any questions you may have”.

SCIE User Management 11

SCIE user management system. The secure client information exchange, SCIE is engineered for one purpose only; to enable confidential communications that must remail confidential. SCIE is an additional tool for business, it is not a replacement for corporate email systems such as the Blackberry BES.

Secure email is insecure for use, by business, for confidential communications.

Quanta Consulting is a worldwide distributor of the Secure Client Information Exchange, SCIE. For more information about SCIE visit:

Or download the Quanta SCIE Brochure PDF from Business News PR:

Business News PR is another Quanta Consulting Ltd. owned website.

Quanta offers business and high net-worth individuals a 30 day SCIE license in order for them to evaluate the system.

SCIE User Activation 12

SCIE instruction video, The secure client information exchange, scie system is desiged for keeping confidential business conversations confidential. SCIE is not a replacement for corporate email systems SCIE is not an email system.

As SCIE does not function as blackberry email, blackberry BES does not function as SCIE does.

Quanta Consulting Ltd is a worldwide distributor of the secure client information exchange, SCIE system. For more information on SCIE visit:

and download the Quanta SCIE PDF

Quanta Consulting Ltd has issued a statement as to concerns clients and sales representatives have expressed over the possible misuse of the Secure Client Information Exchange by criminals and terrorist organizations.

Geneva - In an addition to the statement issued yesterday by Aero Consulting Inc., regarding the possibility that SCIE communications were used to facilitate insider trading activities with the Galleon Fund, Quanta Executive Director Stella Smith has issued this statement.

“Since becoming one of the first and currently the largest international distributor of the SCIE System , Quanta staff have been questioned repeatedly by potential clients and sales representatives as to the threat SCIE poses to international security. I asked the same question prior to finalizing the distributor agreement with Aero and therefore will refer to what the management of Aero Consulting stated to me and to terms in the written contract. While there is no existing technology capable of intercepting, tracing, decrypting or associating communications with a user, the existence and sales of SCIE poses no more of a threat to international security than any other technology. All innovations have the potential to be used for a nefarious purpose outside of the scope of intended use. This holds true for everything from transportation vehicles to the internet. The systems developers were well aware that these questions would arise when they made the decision to market SCIE openly and outside of Switzerland. This is why a ‘prohibited conduct’ clause is written into every distributor and independent sales representative’s contract”.

“With the exception of the Quanta staff the majority of SCIE system sales reps are off shore Trustees, lawyers and corporate formation and administration companies. The majority have some form of fiduciary responsibility and/or are regulated to the extent they must adhere to KYC (know your client) regulations in their various jurisdictions. These sales reps for the most part only sell SCIE to their existing clients or purchase the system on behalf of the client. This is how the SCIE developers wanted the system sold. This is more of an attempt to insure that the technology is not used by the wrong people than any other technology company has ever made.”

“Being acutely aware of the possible misuse of the system Aero Consulting has written into every contract, under the prohibited conduct clause, that no active marketing or sales are permitted in any country listed as a terrorist State or suspected of aiding a terrorist organization or terrorist State. Marketing and sales are also prohibited in all countries where there exists a current armed conflict.”

For more information on Quanta or the Secure Client Information Exchange please visit:

SCIE Use Real time 13

SCIE,the Secure Client Information Exchange, is a Real Time communication platform. SCIE is not a replacement for corporate secure email systems such as the blackberry bes, or other providers such as proofpoint. As corporate secure email is insecure for confidential communications SCIE was engineered for only this purpose.

Quanta Consulting is a worldwide distributor of the SCIE system. For further information on the SCIE system visit:

Quanta offers business and high net-worth individuals 30 day SCIE demo cells in order for them to determine if SCIE fits their needs.

Download the Quanta SCIE PDF from:

BusinessNewsPr is another Quanta Consulting owned website:

SCIE Real Time Use 14

Part 2 of the actual use of the SCIE system. The Secure Client Information Exchange is used by businesses internationally for confidential communications. SCIE is not another Secure Email Program. SCIE is not a replacement for corporate email systems such as research in motions Blackberry or Blackberry BES.

Quanta Consulting Ltd is a worldwide distributor of the SCIE system and offers companies and high net-worth individuals the use of a 30 day SCIE license in order to determine if the SCIE system fits their corporate needs.

For further information on the Secure Client Information Exchange and Quanta Consulting purchasing options please visit:

You can also down load the Quanta SCIE PDF from:

BusinessnewsPr is a Quanta owned website.

SCIE Real Time Use 15

Part 3 of the actual use of the SCIE system. The Secure Client Information Exchange is used by businesses internationally for confidential communications. SCIE is not another Secure Email Program. SCIE is not a replacement for corporate email systems such as research in motion Blackberry or Blackberry BES.

Quanta Consulting Ltd is a worldwide distributor of the SCIE system and offers companies and high net-worth individuals the use of a 30 day SCIE license in order to determine if the SCIE system fits their corporate needs.

For further information about the Secure Client Information Exchange and Quanta Consulting purchasing options please visit:

Or Download the Quanta SCIE PDF from the below link:

SCIE Real Time Use 16 "The Burn"

Part 4 of the actual use of the SCIE system. This presentation depicts the actual "burning" of a SCIE cell. The Secure Client Information Exchange is used by businesses internationally for confidential communications. SCIE is not another Secure Email Program. SCIE is not a replacement for corporate email systems such as research in motions Blackberry or Blackberry BES.

The SCIE system, secure client information exchange, has under went extensive in-depth 3rd party security certification by the CREST certified ethical hacking security firm ProCheckup;

The latest 3 major tests conducted showed SCIE to be one of the most secure systems available. In addition to this video results of the latest test may be found on the Quanta Consulting website:

Unlike the majority of secure email providers, the SCIE developers submitted the entire system for testing to a 3rd party, most corporate email providers do their own in house testing...they test and certified their own systems, and do not publish the results.

However, research in motion the developers of the Blackberry, the blackberry email system and the blackberry BES (business enterprise server) do conduct 3rd party testing. But the blackberry emails can still be forwarded to unintended recipients, are subject to E-discovery, messages are not stored encrypted on the server and therefore blackberry is still insecure for confidential business communications.

Quanta consulting limited is a worldwide distributor of the SCIE system.Visit Quanta's website and download the Quanta SCIE PDF.

For further information on the Secure Client Information Exchange please visit:

SCIE Cell Activation 10

SCIE Cell Activation 10

SCIE Real Time Use 16 “The Burn”

SCIE Real Time Use 16 “The Burn”

FAX – Copier – Scanner Threat

FAX – Copier – Scanner Threat

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