Secure Client Information Exchange

Ask Yourself Two Questions.

1. Does your company electronically Communicate Information that if Intercepted, Stolen or otherwise Leaked, will have a Negative Impact on your Business and its Profits?

2. Do you employ E-mail, Telephone or Fax to Discuss Proprietary and other Confidential Information?

If The Answer To Either Question Is Yes, You Need SCIE.


The SCIE System has been engineered from the ground up as a secure environment for confidential business communications. The Secure Client Information Exchange (SCIE) addresses the three fundamental flaws in e-mail by:

* Being technically Secure.
* Having total control over Communications.
* Ensuring 100% Anonymity

SCIE has been designed specifically for Confidential Business Communication. The SCIE System is a highly encrypted platform that leaves no trace, of the Secure Client Information Exchange program or the communications, on your computer.

The SCIE System centralizes your text conversations in one, highly encrypted, location. This gives you total control over which members of your cell may view and respond to a communication and when it is permanently deleted.

The privacy and confidentiality of your business communications is paramount.  SCIE enables you to create a unique anonymous workspace for your communications called a ‘cell’. The base programming of the Secure Client Information Exchange, coupled with the sales and license distribution system, ensures that your SCIE cell cannot be associated with or traced back to you. Your company’s secure e-mail program does not afford you any of the SCIE System anonymity features.

For further information on the Secure Client Information Exchange, SCIE system, please visit: