Saturday, June 18, 2011

Proof SCIE is Secure 7

The SCIE system, secure client information exchange, has under went extensive in-depth 3rd party security certification by the CREST certified ethical hacking security firm ProCheckup;

The latest 3 major tests conducted showed SCIE to be one of the most secure systems available. In addition to this video results of the latest test may be found on the Quanta Consulting website:

Unlike the majority of secure email providers, the SCIE developers submitted the entire system for testing to a 3rd party, most corporate email providers do their own in house testing...they test and certified their own systems, and do not publish the results.

However, research in motion the developers of the Blackberry, the blackberry email system and the blackberry BES (business enterprise server) do conduct 3rd party testing. But the blackberry emails can still be forwarded to unintended recipients, are subject to E-discovery, messages are not stored encrypted on the server and therefore blackberry is still insecure for confidential business communications.

Quanta consulting limited is a worldwide distributor of the SCIE system.Visit Quanta's website and download the Quanta SCIE Brochure PDF for further information on the secure client information exchange.

Quanta offers 30 SCIE cells for us by business and high net-worth individuals in order for them to determine if SCIE fits their needs.