Saturday, June 18, 2011

SCIE User Activation 12

SCIE instruction video, The secure client information exchange, scie system is desiged for keeping confidential business conversations confidential. SCIE is not a replacement for corporate email systems SCIE is not an email system.

As SCIE does not function as blackberry email, blackberry BES does not function as SCIE does.

Quanta Consulting Ltd is a worldwide distributor of the secure client information exchange, SCIE system. For more information on SCIE visit:

and download the Quanta SCIE PDF

Quanta Consulting Ltd has issued a statement as to concerns clients and sales representatives have expressed over the possible misuse of the Secure Client Information Exchange by criminals and terrorist organizations.

Geneva - In an addition to the statement issued yesterday by Aero Consulting Inc., regarding the possibility that SCIE communications were used to facilitate insider trading activities with the Galleon Fund, Quanta Executive Director Stella Smith has issued this statement.

“Since becoming one of the first and currently the largest international distributor of the SCIE System , Quanta staff have been questioned repeatedly by potential clients and sales representatives as to the threat SCIE poses to international security. I asked the same question prior to finalizing the distributor agreement with Aero and therefore will refer to what the management of Aero Consulting stated to me and to terms in the written contract. While there is no existing technology capable of intercepting, tracing, decrypting or associating communications with a user, the existence and sales of SCIE poses no more of a threat to international security than any other technology. All innovations have the potential to be used for a nefarious purpose outside of the scope of intended use. This holds true for everything from transportation vehicles to the internet. The systems developers were well aware that these questions would arise when they made the decision to market SCIE openly and outside of Switzerland. This is why a ‘prohibited conduct’ clause is written into every distributor and independent sales representative’s contract”.

“With the exception of the Quanta staff the majority of SCIE system sales reps are off shore Trustees, lawyers and corporate formation and administration companies. The majority have some form of fiduciary responsibility and/or are regulated to the extent they must adhere to KYC (know your client) regulations in their various jurisdictions. These sales reps for the most part only sell SCIE to their existing clients or purchase the system on behalf of the client. This is how the SCIE developers wanted the system sold. This is more of an attempt to insure that the technology is not used by the wrong people than any other technology company has ever made.”

“Being acutely aware of the possible misuse of the system Aero Consulting has written into every contract, under the prohibited conduct clause, that no active marketing or sales are permitted in any country listed as a terrorist State or suspected of aiding a terrorist organization or terrorist State. Marketing and sales are also prohibited in all countries where there exists a current armed conflict.”

For more information on Quanta or the Secure Client Information Exchange please visit: